
MineSplit Terms





Emerald Blocks

Emeralds being the face of the economy players abbreviate blocks to embs.


Compressed Emerald Blocks

Emeralds being the face of the economy players abbreviate compressed blocks to cembs.


Welcome Back

Usually said as a greeting when a players logs on again.


Teleportation Commands



/tpa <playername>

teleports you to a specific player

/tpahere <playername>

teleports specified player to you


toggles others being able to teleport to you


accepts teleportation request


denies teleportation request

Gameplay Commands


toggles phantom spawning


allows you to edit the nearest armorstand


changes items into full blocks


allows you to get rid of items

/workbench, /craft

allows you to create items in a crafting table without actually needing a crafting table

Chat Commands

/msg, /whisper, /tell <playername> - message another player directly /r <playername> - reply to most recent message [inv] - shows inventory in chat [item] - shows the item the player is holding in chat [ender] - shows ender chest

Shop Commands

/shop create - opens shop in barrel /shop delete -deletes specified shop (does not remove stock) /shop deleteid <id> /shop count <item> /shop list /shop list <player> /shop shops /shop manage <id> /shop out /shop out <player> /shop sold <page/clear> /shop stock <page> /shop view <id>

Claiming Commands

/claim, /lands claim <name> - claims a chunk of land for your claim/specified trusted claim /unclaim - unclaims the chunk the player is standing in /trust <playername> - allows access to your claim (roles can be edited in player management) /untrust <playername> - revokes access of your claim to specified player /lands, /lands menu - general menu for land management /lands create <name> - creates a land with your desired name /lands edit - selects the land or area that you own/are trusted in for the following executed commands /lands assign - assigns land selection to designated land or subarea /lands selection - enables selection of area management

Last updated